вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

cello gliga

sick right now.

I have a headache, feels like I have a ten-ton brick surrounding my head, every time I move I feel like Iapos;m going to collapse on the floor, I have heartburn that comes and goes when it pleases and all I want to do is puke but I canapos;t.

Itapos;s so aggravating.
I canapos;t sleep because of it.


I canapos;t let anyone smoke around me anymore, it makes me sick as a dog.
And roast chicken ramen, which I use to love, is now a death wish to so much as smell let alone eat.

Maybe this is it.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Dear November 4,

You have caused me great pain and frustration ever since I�got to know about you. Iapos;m on the rocks right now- not knowing whether Iapos;m going to fall in the sea of awesome goodness, or the sea of darkness- after taking a damn HUGE�risk on you. Insanity is breathing down my neck because I�already have a few major issues to settle, and here you come, sauntering in all your glory. You are so evil. So so so evil. You should know that a lot of people love you, so you should have made it easier for them (and me) to get you. But why? Why did you have to be so hard to reach?�Why did you have to be so inaccessible?�Did you not learn Human Geography?

I�know itapos;s going to be tough on you too, but letapos;s face it. You only have one day to be insane while Iapos;ve already gone through almost one decade of insanity. Iapos;d really appreciate it if you could make everyoneapos;s lives easier. Psychologists and psychiatrists may see an increase in the number of patients if youapos;re going to continue to be the way you are right now.

Letapos;s strive together to make the world a happy place It takes two hands to clap, so I�beg you, November 4, to please please do your part as well.

Yours sincerely,
Your Number One Fan

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O h my god the la times supports barracka obama... I should change my vote, thoughts and religion right now

who the fuck actually listens to news papers for their mind set any more? So the fucken LA times, or NY times has dictated their views? Didnapos;t you, the person casting the vote? You the person who was supposed to have read what the paper work actually said?

arenapos;t you supposed to read all that crap they send us and think for your self???

why would you base shit on a news paper???

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boone county missouri sheriff

It is, once again, Saturday morning. And once again, I am up extremely early.

But Iapos;m actually pretty awake because I crashed seriously early last night.

Teaching three classes today, but as two of them only have one student, Iapos;m fairly sure I might get a bit of LSAT work done (logic games, most likely, as theyapos;re the easiest to start/stop at a momentapos;s notice)

I do have Mini-Tosh in my class this morning, and sheapos;s always fun to work with. :D

Of course, with expanded hours comes more students, and Hated Thursday Student #1 will be a saturday student as well, starting next week. URG.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

amazing astrid.com

Wow, I really ran the gamut today.

I woke up in awen, the stateless state (like mu, the gateless gate. Only not). Went through my morning in a dream. Got to school (managed to bike to school and remain dreamlike, which is no mean feat), found out that my first class was cancelled, and became (for no decently explained reason) highly agitated, to the point of minor panic attack.

So: I read some of the poetry I wrote last week, and was vaguely satisfied with it. Then talked to Cozeth, then got some ideas for a story Iapos;m working on, which is about people who are like Al and I, only more likable. Which is probably not good for the story -- the characters should be more real, flawed, harder to like. Yes? yes. I think. Itapos;s always sort of magical, in a good story, when you realize that youapos;re sympathetic with a character who isnapos;t very likable.

One of the things I think I dislike about Haruki Murakami most of the time, in fact. His narrator-characters are just sort of their. Things -- interesting, amazing, touching things -- happen around them, and sometimes sort of to them, but you never get a real sense of the narrator having texture.

this is emphatically not true in his short stories, which is why I love them best of all.

Then work happened, which was an emotional null. I snapped at my boss, worked up a sweat, and then repeated the same motions a thousand times. Good deal. After, I was not too cranky to socialize, so I went to a bar and sat alone and drank three beers, which passes for socialization for me, especially since I watched two people in their mid-twenties hitting on each other, which was wonderful and hilarious because I was feeling psychic, and reading peopleapos;s minds while theyapos;re trying to figure out whether and how to make out with one another is really hilarious.

I also thought interesting things on my bike rides today, about machine empaths and human empaths and what those words mean.

and at work: my boss, who is a printer and a duckhunter, not a thinker, had to draw up a schedule by which the 6 fellows in his duck-hunting club could schedule their shooting times at their camp sight. Basically their are six guys, six slots per day, three days per week (when they have access to the site), and some number of weeks per season, and it falls to the boss to make up a schedule. His big goal is to give everyone the same number (or roughly the same number) of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th slots, without having anyone pull the same slot more than two days in a row.

So slam bang in the middle of work, when I usually am gourd-bored, I get to start thinking about statistics and combinatorics, and that was really fun. I think I will write a thing that solves that problem for him, comes up with randomized schedules.


and then my vague coffee-crush and I chatted while I was still drunk because I went to the bar to watch people make out instead of getting dinner after work.

oh. And drunk make-out girl recommended some book to me, because heapos;s apos;like Bukowski, but better.apos; which is such a chico state college girl thing to say that like you donapos;t even *know,* man.

also then I biked home still tipsy and watched Life on Mars, which is great.

and also I talked to Tym, and Marty, and Pete, on the phone, and that just hella made my day. Yay for portlanders.

and then I was tired.

the end, by tom, age 8.

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So today I threw on a pain patch, curled up in a blanket, and suddenly was dumped into this soap opera of a story running in my head. Once my brain came back on line, I started writing it all down. I am more than willing to bet that I will never revisit it again, and that like every thing else I start to write I will forget all about it.

Watching the Sox loose and loose big tonight. We are already down five runs and not even on the board. I donapos;t mind loosing games, I just hate these forgetting how to play at all kind of games. We are the World Series Champions, we should not be blown out of the game in the third inning.

So back to cleaning up this story, or at least trying to get the little scenes organized into a story of some kind.
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

david meiklejohn

The new Fox obsession - "voter registration fraud." Theyapos;re finding that people are being registered that have no business being registered. Sometimes people who are dead, sometimes people who are 8 years old or otherwise way too young, sometimes felons (who are not allowed to vote), and so forth. Fox is hung up on the idea that this is happening most in the solidly Obama states (overlooking the fact that the solidly Obama states are also, by far, the most populous states, and thus most likely to have more of EVERYTHING going on). Itapos;s happening because voter registration groups are paying people to get people registered, so theyapos;re looking to add more names so they get more pay.

The question is - does it really matter?

If Susie Susamon registers to vote, and turns out to be 7 years old, well thatapos;s voter registration fraud. But now letapos;s say that little Susie, after being improperly registered, actually tries to vote. Do you honestly think sheapos;s going to be allowed to vote?
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Sometimes I feel so lonely and cast out from the rest of the world.. (Namely my classmates and CCA friends. Occasionally my church friends too.) But itapos;s through times like these that God shows His overwhelming comfort and love to me. His makes His presence known through the Bible, I just need to take the time to read it, and communicating is really simple Just a quick word up to heaven which can be as simple as apos;help, Lord..apos; I pray that my friends will be able to share this same kind of relationship with Christ.�

Now, God a Quick word, :]
Thank you...

I Thank You loving Father, for all your love today.
For sending Christ your Saviour into my heart today..

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